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A Comprehensive Guide to the Rebound hammer Test: Assessing Compressive Strength of Concrete

A Comprehensive Guide to the Rebound Hammer Test: Assessing Compressive Strength of Concrete Introduction to rebound test Rebound test is the among o…

Floor plans for simple residential house

Simple residential house for starting your life Residential house can be useful once some one is starting his or life. This may depend on someone e…

Why Building Design needs creative thinking

What is building designing Building is not a new term to most of the people, you can see someone is defining what is building design as the proces…

10 Furniture for Off-Campus Students in the University.

10 Furniture for off campus students in university. Furnitures  Furniture are the tools that are useful for residential purposes or other uses…

Residential Multi Storey House with 3 bedrooms

Residential Multi Story House with 3 bedrooms.  This post is written with the aim of helping a person who is planning to design or construct a res…

Modern design of stairs

Simplified procedures on how to design a stair cases in morden ways. Introduction Stair is the among of the structural elements of the building or …

How to Check Timber Sustainability in Structural Timber Design: A Comprehensive Guide per BS 5268-2:2002

Introduction on Structural timber Design per BS 5268-3:2002   Strctural timber designing per BS 5268 is just a process of designing timber structur…


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